Google Sheets Grade Override

Google Sheets Grade Override#

This plugin allows you to override test case scores during grading by specifying the new score in a Google Sheet that is pulled in. To use this plugin, you must set up a Google Cloud project and obtain credentials for the Google Sheets API. This plugin relies on gspread to interact with the Google Sheets API and its documentation contains instructions on how to obtain credentials. Once you have created credentials, download them as a JSON file.

This plugin requires two configurations: the path to the credentials JSON file and the URL of the Google Sheet. The former should be entered with the key credentials_json_path and the latter sheet_url; for example, in Otter Assign:

    - otter.plugins.builtin.GoogleSheetsGradeOverride:
        credentials_json_path: /path/to/google/credentials.json

The first tab in the sheet is assumed to be the override information.

During Otter Generate, the plugin will read in this JSON file and store the relevant data in the otter_config.json for use during grading. The Google Sheet should have the following format:

Assignment ID


Test Case




q1a - 1



  • Assignment ID should be the ID of the assignment on Gradescope (to allow one sheet to be used for multiple assignments)

  • Email should be the student’s email address on Gradescope

  • Test Case should be the name of the test case as a string (e.g. if you have a test file with 3 test cases, overriding the second case would be q1a - 2)

  • Points should be the point value to assign the student for that test case

  • PDF should be whether or not a PDF should be re-submitted (to prevent losing manual grades on Gradescope for regrade requests)

Note that the use of this plugin requires specifying gspread in your requirements, as it is not included by default in Otter’s container image.

otter.plugins.builtin.GoogleSheetsGradeOverride Reference#

The actions taken by at hook for this plugin are detailed below.